Michael Stierhoff
Writer, Musician, Customer Advocate, Petitioner for Truth...
Creating stories that others never imagine and a user experience to dream about
Short Stories
2 minutes of real life weirdness
Banished to the Island of Toadasours
Short fiction explaining Trump
FauxDocumentary, where hikers discover and document a Sasquatch corpse... and then things get weird
Gibson Guitars- How to save an iconic American Brand in 10 steps
A satirical approach to ending the gridlock of far right and far left politics
I'm the ‘matchmaker’ between musicians and the guitar that has the tone and feel that they need
LightHouse Marketing and Business Solutions
Analyzing business, driving profitable change
Unpublished Novels
If you enjoy my writing, give me a call!
2 guys, a girl and a haunted caste
My Life in Heaven
When a plane crash doesn't make sense
Shroud of night
Terrorists capture a South Pole observatory

Petulant Power
I was born a Petulant Puppy- one who explores everything, digging and grabbing and dragging everything I can find into my box.
Along the way I learned that it takes maturity to turn the new into useful- discovering analysis (truth), advocacy (loving well) and process (how to behave).
So I ask lots of questions and look for lots of answers, including:
Why has customer service failed so completely?
Why do we forget our history and repeat the horrible stuff?
Why can’t the far left and far right meet in the middle to get things done?
Why don’t we love our neighbor as ourselves?
Why are the fundamentals of music being lost?
I address these issues as a:
Writer, Musician and Music Teacher
Business Analyst, Product Manager and Customer Advocate
Guitar Electronics Designer, Recording Engineer, AV Post Producer and Composer
Aviation Aficionado, History Geek and Science Nut
So contact me when you’re ready to explore out-of-the box, to build impactful solutions and to tell the world what you’re up to.
Creating stories that others never imagine and the user experience you dream about
Product Manager/Business Analyst- Researching requirements, optimizing offerings and generating measurable results
Voice of the Customer- Strategically collaborating across the organization to prioritize customer requirements, positioning and messages that speak to those audiences
Evangelist- Increasing mindshare and visibility with cross-channel content and interaction with partners, customers, prospects and thought leaders
Collaborative, cross-functional bridge builder- Developing strong relationships supporting sales, customers, marketing, operations, management and partners
Consulting Experience- Results-oriented leadership, creative, innovative, fast, under-budget and always “curious, motivated and self-directed”
Author- Turning “out of the box” into solid content including business, copy, fiction, shorts, satire, novels
Micro Technology Unlimited
Director of Marketing
Marketing/Product/Business Analyst
Blue Cross
Strategist and Business Analyst
Global Knowledge
Product Marketing
Sales Management
Crawford Risk Management
Risk Manager
Impromptu Productions
AV post producer, composer, writer, owner
Lighthouse Marketing and Business Solutions
Chief Customer Officer, owner
The Guitar You Dream About
Analysis, Design, Implementation, owner
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Marketing
Elon University, Elon NC
Computer Science concentration, Music minor
Strategic Selling, Pragmatic Marketing, Thought Leader Management, Crisis and Risk Management
SAS Foundational Tools, Data Management, Business Intelligence, Analytics and Solutions
Cloud Essentials, Virtual Machine, and ITIL Foundations V3 certification
Google Ad Partner
Data Science Tool Kit- John Hopkins
OpenDataSoft- ETL, data management, analytics and publishing
Proficient with MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint)
Watson Fundamentals
Salesforce- Administration and Business- Over 50 badges and 40k points
Michael Stierhoff is a writer, business analyst and musician focused on discovering truth that helps everyone grow